Robert Uttaro

Robert Uttaro

Teaching Associate Professor

  • Faculty

Professional Biography

Received PhD from the University of Florida; Center for African Studies; International Development and Policy Administration
MA from University of Florida; Political Science and Center for African Studies
BA from St. John Fisher College in History


  • Ph.D., International Development Policy and Administration, University of Florida, 2008
  • MA, International Development Policy and Administration, University of Florida, 1994
  • BA, History, St. John Fisher College, 1974

Professional Affiliations

  • African Studies Association


Uttaro, R. P. (2016). The Political Mission of African Elites and the Challenge facing a free press. Freedom of the Press and cosolidation of democracy in Africa. Dever: World Freedom of the Press.


  • Fellowship Award, Career and Faculty Development
  • Faculty Careers Champion, Career and Faculty Development
  • Graduate Student Teaching Award – University of Florida, University of Florida
  • Graduate Teacher Award , Department of Political Science
  • Recognition for Meaningful, Positive Impact