Inna Altschul

Inna Altschul

Associate Professor

  • Faculty

What I do

My hope is that all families and children will have the means to reach their highest potential and contribute to the thriving of their communities. My work aims to uncover mechanisms for such thriving.


children and youth, families and family systems, Latinx populations, marginalized populations, race and ethnicity, research methods

Professional Biography

Associate Professor Inna Altschul's research focuses on promoting positive development among low-income, immigrant and Latino/a children, youths, and families. Her primary areas of interest include...
* positive child development and family processes in marginalized families.
* racial-ethnic identity, youth empowerment, leadership, and civic engagement.
* child and adolescent development within family, school and community systems.
* program evaluation.
Altschul uses ecological, sociological and psychological perspectives in her research, as well as qualitative and quantitative methodologies. At the Graduate School of Social Work, she teaches MSW courses in the high-risk youth track, practice evaluation and research. Altschul serves as the school's assistant dean for program assessment and evaluation.


  • Ph.D., Social Work and Sociology, University of Michigan, 2006
  • MSW, Children and Adolescents, Community Organization, University of Michigan, 2003
  • MA, Sociology, University of Michigan, 2002
  • MS, Geophysics, University of Southern California, 1995
  • BS, University of California, 1993

Key Projects

  • Transactional Family Processes Supporting Father Involvement and Child Socio-emotional Wellbeing

Featured Publications

Lee, S. J., Altschul, I., & Gershoff, E. T. (2013). Does Warmth Moderate Longitudinal Associations Between Maternal Spanking and Child Aggression in Early Childhood? . Developmental Psychology.
Lee, S. J., Altschul, I., Shair, S., & Taylor, T. (2011). Hispanic Fathers and Risk for Maltreatment in Father Involved Families with Young Children. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2(2), 125-142.
Altschul, I. (2011). Parental involvement and the academic achievement of Mexican American youths: What kinds of involvement in youths' education matter most? . Social Work Research, 35(3), 159-170.