Steven McDonald

Associate Professor; Chair, Theatre

  • Faculty

What I do

My emphasis is Theatre Design, Technology and Management. I am a Technical Director, Production Manager and Sound Designer. I focus on planning and engineering during the collaborative process of building structures for Theatre productions.

Professional Biography

Steven is an Associate Professor at the University of Denver, where he serves as the Chair & Technical Director for the Department of Theatre.
Recently, Steven's focus has been been building professional partnerships with Colorado companies through DU Theatre'sTechnical Theatre Internship Program. The program provides students with paid opportunities to work with professional companies and designers in a supportive setting that prepares them for the entertainment industry. During the build process, students are engaged full-time in the construction shop with working professionals, and then experience the challenges of moving the show elements to a professional venue, working with the theatre company’s team to install and present the show. Previous TTIP projects include JQA with BETC, American Son with Curious Theatre Company, Saints of Failure with Generator Theatre, Reunion for NYC-based Creative Endeavor, as well as projects for Parker Arts, Lamont Opera, The Athena Project and Phamaly.
Recent local design work includes work for the Aurora Fox, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company, PACE, Phamaly, Athena Project, Little Theatre of the Rockies, Systryst Theatre, and Edge Theatre Company. Steven has worked for a variety of performing arts organizations, including the Seattle Rep, South Coast Repertory Theatre, Single Carrot Theatre, the Colorado Dance Festival, Rocky Mountain Revels, and 22 seasons with the Colorado Shakespeare Festival. At DU, Steven teaches Stage Management, Sound Design, Properties, Lighting and Stage Technology. Steven earned his MFA in Theatre Design & Production from the University of California, Irvine.


  • MFA, Theatre Design & Production, University of California, 1994
  • BA, History, University of Colorado, 1990
  • BA, Theatre, University of Colorado, 1990
  • Certificate, Secondary Education, University of Colorado, 1990

Professional Affiliations

  • United State Institute of Technical Theatre


My research focuses on two areas: Sound design for theatrical performance, and management and construction for theatre companies.