Adam Clark

Adam N. Clark


  • Faculty

What I do

Adam Clark, LCSW, AASW is a Licensed Clinical Social Work (LCSW) graduate from the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work where he received his Animal-Assisted Social Work (AASW) Certification through the Institute for Human-Animal Connection and specialized in Family Systems work. Currently, Adam is focusing on receiving his Doctorate in Advanced Clinical Social Work (DSW) at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice as a 2024 doctoral candidate. He is focusing his studies on: veterinary social work (VSW), morals/ethics surrounding the human-animal connection, belief in the animal mind (BAM), as well as animals' forced role in oppressive practices and systemic injustices.

Professional Biography

Adam has taught over 700 graduate and undergraduate social work students as an Adjunct Professor across three universities since 2016. Within this role, Adam has taught 22 different courses a total of 63 times with a primary clinical social work focus. Currently, Adam has the honor of being an Adjunct Professor at the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work and has held historical Adjunct positions at both Portland State University School of Social Work and The College of Saint Rose School of Social Work Programs.