Jonathan David Moyer
Assistant Professor
Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures
What I do
I run the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, the home of the International Futures (IFs) modeling platform. My research focuses on building data, tools, and leading analysis that explores our deeply interconnected world. I focus on research exploring the drivers of state fragility, sustainable development goals, and the future structure of the international system.Our research and analysis informs policy-making around the world. We employ more than 20 full-time researchers and 100 students per year.
Professional Biography
Jonathan D. Moyer is Assistant Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures. He works across various research areas, extending and using the International Futures (IFs) integrated assessment platform. Jonathan studies patterns of human development through funded research for organizations like the African Union Development Agency and the United Nations. He leads the creation of new data and tools to better understand and analyze international relations contributing to reports such as the U.S. National Intelligence Council Global Trends 2030. Jonathan also researches patterns and drivers of state fragility and failure most notably as Lead Co-PI on a five-year Minerva grant.
- Ph.D., International Studies, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, 2012
- MA, International Studies, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, 2009
- BA, International Business, Bluffton University, 2002
Professional Affiliations
- American Political Science Association
- International Studies Association