Ann Wehman

Ann M. Wehman

Assistant Professor, Cell Biology

  • Faculty

What I do

My lab uses developmental genetic and imaging approaches to study cell biology, especially the role of proteins and lipids in membrane dynamics

Professional Biography

Since 2020 - Assistant Professor at DU
2013-2020 - Junior Group Leader at the University of Würzburg
2006-2012 - Postdoctoral fellow at the Skirball Institute, NYULMC
1999-2006 - PhD at UC San Francisco
1996-1997 - Technician at OraVax, Inc.
1995-1999 - Bachelor of Science at MIT


  • Ph.D., Genetics, University of California - San Francisco, 2006
  • BS, Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999

Professional Affiliations

  • Genetics Society of America
  • International Society for Extracellular Vesicles
  • French Society for Cell Biology


Throughout life, cells communicate to coordinate the organism’s response to stimuli. Cells release extracellular vesicles that carry signals to alter development or disease response. Released vesicles can also seal the cell membrane after damage. The goal of our research is to discover how vesicles bud from the surface of cells, how cells take up extracellular vesicles, and what signals extracellular vesicles send in animals. Defining how vesicles form is an essential first step to designing strategies to induce or suppress their formation and thereby determine their signaling capability. This research could also lead to new strategies to monitor or influence disease severity.

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