Profile Placeholder

Debbie Mitchell

Teaching Associate Professor; Director, Science and Engineering Center

  • Faculty

What I do

I am a teaching professor in the department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. I also am the director of the Science & Engineering Center. My scholarship focuses on developing new applications for EPR spectroscopy.


spectroscopy, EPR, magnetic resonance, chemistry education

Professional Affiliations

  • American Chemical Society


I am a biophyisical/inorganic chemist interested in using EPR spectroscopy to monitor free radical chemistry.


Mitchell, D. G., Morris, J. A., Meredith, J., Huffman, J. A., & Bishop, N. (2016). Chemistry + infographics. Equilibrium Systems Class. University Libraries, University of Denver.


Mitchell, D. G. (2016). Teaching Information Literacy in the Chemistry Classrrom. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Greely, CO: ACS.