Andrew Linshaw


  • Faculty

What I do

I teach mathematics courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise Ph.D. students, and conduct research in representation theory and related areas. My work has applications to mathematical physics, and I collaborate regularly with both mathematicians and physicists.

Professional Biography

I received my Ph.D in Mathematics from Brandeis University in 2005 under the supervision of Bong H. Lian. After postdoctoral positions at National University of Singapore, University of California San Diego, and TU Darmstadt, I joined DU in the fall of 2013. Outside of mathematics, I have a long-standing interest in the visual arts, and have begun teaching a first-year seminar on Mathematics and Art.


  • Ph.D., Mathematics, Brandeis University, 2005


Representation theory, invariant theory, vertex algebras and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras

Key Projects

  • W-algebras and universal objects in vertex algebra theory
  • W-algebras and the coset construction
  • W-algebras and universal objects in vertex algebra theory


Linshaw, A. R. (2019). Universal Objects in Vertex Algebra Theory. AMS Special Session on Lie Representation Theory. University of Wisconsin, Madison: American Mathematical Society.
Linshaw, A. R. (2019). Dualities of W-algebras and the W_{\infty} algebra. Representation Theory Seminar. Kyoto, Japan: RIMS, Kyoto University.
Linshaw, A. R. (2019). Cosets of the large N=4 superconformal algebra and the diagonal coset of sl_2. Representation Theory XVI. Dubrovnik, Croatia: Inter-University Center, University of Zagrab.
Linshaw, A. R. (2019). Orbifolds and the associated variety. Valuations and birational geometry. Lille, France: University of Lille.
Linshaw, A. R. (2017). Orbifold and Cosets of W-algebras. Workshop on Geometry and Representation Theory. Vienna, Austria: Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics.


  • Research, Scholarship and Creative Work Faculty Recognition Dinner, University of Denver
  • Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work Faculty Recognition Dinner, University of Denver