Alejandro Ceron

Alejandro Ceron

Associate Professor, Cultural Anthropology; Chair, Anthropology

  • Faculty

What I do

I am committed to the collective imagining of a society with no exclusion and to working toward its realization through the combination of applied work in anthropology and public health.


health, Human Rights, ethnographic research

Professional Biography

Alejandro Cerón is a researcher interested in the social and cultural aspects of health in Guatemala and Central America. Through his work he pays particular attention to the link
between public health practice and health as a human right from the perspective of sociocultural epidemiology. He received a medical degree in 2000 and a master in public
health in 2006 (both from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala), as well as a doctoral degree in anthropology from the University of Washington in 2013. Between 2001 and
2006, he worked in rural Guatemala as a physician and primary health project coordinator. He is Associate Professor in the Anthropology department at the University of Denver.
He maintains professional collaborations in Guatemala with the Instituto de Salud Incluyente (ISIS), the Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS), the Fundación para el Niño Enfermo Renal (FUNDANIER), and the Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala (UVG).


  • MD, Medicine, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • MPH (Master in Public Health), Epidemiology, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Washington, 2013

Professional Affiliations

  • American Anthropological Association
  • Society for Applied Anthropology
  • Colegio de Médicos de Guatemala


My overall research goals are to understand the relationship between public health and the right to health, in theory and in practice, through projects that utilize qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Areas of Research

sociocultural anthropology
medical anthropology
applied anthropology
Human Rights
research methods in anthropology
public health
health systems

Featured Publications

Ceron, A. (2018). Epidemiología neocolonial: Prácticas de salud pública y derecho a la salud en Guatemala. [Neo-colonial epidemiology: Public health practice and the right to health in Guatemala.] (p. 174). Guatemala City, Guatemala: Asociacion para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales [Society for the Advancement of Social Sciences]. Serie Autores Invitados No. 28 [Invited Authors Series, #28.] .


Ceron Valdes, M. (2015). Derecho a la salud en Guatemala: Relaciones entre ciudadanos, proveedores e instituciones en un Sistema Disfuncional" [Right to health in Guatemala: relationships between citizens, providers and institutions in a dysfunctional system]. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud del Colegio de Médicos de Guatemala [Guatemalan Medical Association's Health Sciences National Conference]. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Colegio de Medicos de Guatemala [Guatemalan Medical Association].
Ceron Valdes, M. (2016). "Interculturalidad y Salud Pública en America Latina: Conceptos y Avances en Politica de Salud Intercultural" [Multiculturalism and Public Health in Latin America: Concepts and Progress in Multicultural Health Policy]. Bogota, Colombia: Doctorado Interfacultades en Salud Pública, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Ceron, A. (2017). CerMy two cents: The role of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in the Reduction of Health Inequalities. . Regional Technical Meeting: Towards Universal Health Care, Contributions of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Managua, Nicaragua: Pan-American Health Organization.
Ceron Valdes, M. (2018). Public presentation of the book 'Epidemiología Neocolonial', by A Cerón. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales (AVANCSO).