Signature Work at DU

To realize DU’s public good vision, DU students have opportunities for connected, high-impact educational experiences that prepare them to make connections among ideas and experiences in order to apply information and skills to public discovery.  

On the path to public good discovery, some students carry out signature work. Signature work is a high impact practice through which students: 

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    Transfer their learning from classes to projects that address complex problems of importance to the student and the public good

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    Have agency and play a key role in defining and carrying out projects in which they immerse themselves

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    Receive individualized mentoring


At DU, signature work is often collaborative. For example, community-engaged signature work emphasizes equitable collaboration with community partners to address public problems.   

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Faculty Community of Practice

Advanced Seminar (ASEM) Pathways to Signature Work Pilot

This community of practice (CoP) will create a small cohort of faculty to pilot ASEM Pathways to Signature Work courses that emphasize integrative learning to prepare students for subsequent signature work experiences that address public issues. Together, faculty will gather with other ASEM faculty six times over Summer 2024 to explore strategies to support student integrative learning on the pathway to signature work. Participants are eligible to receive $750 for participating in the CoP as well as additional funds for preparing or revising an ASEM syllabus and participating in program assessment. 

The Summer 2024 application is now closed. To learn more about the program, click below: 

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Signature Faculty and Students Program

The DU Signature Faculty and Student Program recognizes faculty with records of excellence in mentoring undergraduate signature work in order to support their capacity to mentor collaborative, community-engaged signature work that addresses DU Grand Challenges issue areas. DU’s Office of Public Good Strategy and Research will make two awards in AY 2024-2025. For full award details click the link below.

The 2024-2025 application is now open. The deadline to submit proposals is September 16th, 2024 at noon.

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Graduate Mentor Fellows

Graduate Mentor Fellows are graduate students working to develop and apply their skills as mentors. Over the 2023-2024 academic year, Graduate Mentor Fellows will join a cohort of graduate student peers to develop their own mentoring skills through guided training, collaboration, and reflection designed to support their personal, professional, and academic goals. In turn, Graduate Mentor Fellows will work with faculty members to co-mentor undergraduate students in research and/or creative work.

The 2023-2024 cohort is now full. To learn more about the program, click below: 

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