Meet with an Advisor

Graphic showing who can delete an advising hold based on a students year and major.


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Major Advising Information

Academic Advisors in the Office of Academic Advising support undergraduate students, with a focus on first-year students and exploratory/undeclared students. Students with a declared major in their second year and beyond receive guidance from faculty to draw from their expertise in the major field. To connect with your major advisor, please review the information below.

Same-Day Appointments

Same-day appointments become available for scheduling starting at 8 a.m. on designated days. These 20-30 minute meetings are intended for undergraduate first-year and exploratory student quarterly advising meetings and to remove Academic Advising Holds.

Students may book an appointment with their assigned academic advisor (if available) or with any academic advisor with open appointments.

Undergraduate students may also meet with an academic advisor to discuss:

  • Winter Quarter Weeks 9-11 (March 2nd - 21st)

    Same Days are available:

    • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
    • 1:00 - 4:00 PM Mountain Time
    • In Person: Suite 3100 Community Commons (3rd Floor) or Virtual Meetings available

    Same-Day Appointment Booking Link - You can schedule your afternoon same-day appointment starting at 8:00 AM that same day.

    Questions, or need help booking a same-day appointment?

    • Email: 
    • Phone: 303-871-7001

    If you are unable to attend your meeting, please cancel and/or reschedule or call 303-871-7001.

  • Spring Break (March 24th - 28th)

    Same Days are available:

    • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
    • 1:00 - 4:00 PM Mountain Time
    • *Virtual Meetings Only

    Same-Day Appointment Booking Link - You can schedule your afternoon same-day appointment starting at 8:00 AM that same day.

    Questions, or need help booking a same-day appointment?

    • Email: 
    • Phone: 303-871-7001

    If you are unable to attend your meeting, please cancel and/or reschedule or call 303-871-7001.

  • Spring Quarter Weeks 2-6 (April 7th - May 9th)

    Same Days are available:

    • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
    • 1:00 - 4:00 PM Mountain Time
    • In Person: Suite 3100 Community Commons (3rd Floor) or Virtual Meetings available

    Same-Day Appointment Booking Link - You can schedule your afternoon same-day appointment starting at 8:00 AM that same day.

    Questions, or need help booking a same-day appointment?

    • Email: 
    • Phone: 303-871-7001

    If you are unable to attend your meeting, please cancel and/or reschedule or call 303-871-7001.

Quick Question Hours

Quick Question Hours are offered during peak registration periods, in the first days of classes (week 1) and registration week (week 8).

Quick Question advising meetings are intentionally designed to be "quick" (10-15 min) and for issues that do not require a full appointment slot. If you anticipate needing more time with an advisor, consider booking a Schedule Ahead Appointment or Same-Day Appointment.

Schedule Ahead Appointment

Students may schedule an individual appointment with their assigned academic advisor in the Office of Academic Advising through Inspire, subject to availability. 

If you are a 2+ year student with a declared major, please refer to the information above at the top of the page to connect with your major advisor. 

For assistance with an academic exception or leave of absence, please consider booking a Same Day Appointment or email

Schedule Ahead appointments are generally not available during weeks 1, 7, and 8 of each quarter. Please see Same-Day Appointment or Quick Question options during these time periods.

Schedule an Appointment Video Instructions - Booking an Appointment

How To Make a Schedule Ahead Appointment in Inspire

  • number-1-icon

    Navigate to Inspire

    Bookmark this link: Inspire

    For Graduate Student support: please email

  • Number two icon

    From the Inspire dashboard, click "Contact My Advisors."

  • Number three icon

    Next to your advisor's name, select "Schedule Appointment" 

    If you do not see your advisor's name in this area, or if you're trying to schedule an appointment with another advisor, you can select "All Advisors and Faculty" and then search for the advisor you want to meet with by name.

  • Number four icon

    Under search appointments, type in your advisor's name (last, first) or scroll to find. Then press the search button.

  • Number five icon

    Your advisor's appointments will appear below. Select the appointment time that best fits your needs. 

  • Number six icon

    A pop-up box will appear.

    Double-check to make sure the correct advisor is listed. Then select the box next to your desired appointment time. Under session topics, feel free to insert 1+ topic(s) you would like to discuss with your advisor. You can also include a more detailed note or attachments for your advisor to review before your appointment.  

    You can view full instructions on scheduling your advising appointment below.

    Schedule Appointment Instructions

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We'll Help You Get Started

If you're not sure the best way to meet your advisor or want to know how to prepare for a session, contact us at 303-871-7001 or, and we'll help you get started.