Your work matters.
Thank you for your support! Participating in a student's fellowship application process — whether through advising, mentoring, writing a recommendation, or serving on selection committees — is an important contribution to their experience at DU and to their personal, professional, and scholarly development. Let us know if you are working with a student who should consider these awards and we will contact them about making an appointment.

One of the most common ways for faculty and staff to get involved in fellowships is by writing recommendations. The vast majority of fellowships require one or more recommendations, but few provide concrete requirements or guidelines. We can help!
Understand the opportunity and your letter's role in the application. An applicant should be able to explain what the fellowship is for, what they specifically hope to do with it, and why they are asking you to help. If this is not offered, ask before agreeing to write for them!
Feel comfortable saying no. Politely decline if you do not know the student, do not have time before the deadline, and especially if you do not think the student is deserving of the award they are pursuing.
Be aware of how gender bias and racial bias show up in recommendations.

Get Involved
Let us know about your personal experience with a national or international fellowship!
Share your interest in serving on a selection committee!
Refer that brilliant student you want us to know about!