No one does this alone.

Now that you've found an award that seems like a good fit for your goals and interests, you'll want to think carefully about all the steps in the application process. What are the required components? How and when should you get started? We are here to help!

Application Components

Many — but not all! — fellowship applications will require:

  • A proposal (what the grant is for). This explains to a reviewer the what, where, when, and why of your plan.
    • Is what you propose feasible? Be sure to define the scope and address challenges or practical considerations!
  • A personal statement (who the grant is for). This is your chance to describe your preparation, qualifications, special skills, and anything else that makes you the right person to do the work you propose.
  • 1+ recommendations. Fellowships may have specific requirements for who should write these, but it will always help if they know you well and have a clear understanding of the fellowship and deadline.
  • A transcript. Sometimes, unofficial transcripts are allowed if they show certain details.
    • If an official transcript is necessary, contact to see if we should order it for you.
  • Sometimes, a campus and/or national interview.
    • If you are participating in a national interview, contact to arrange a practice interview and to access reports from other DU students who have gone through that award process.

Get Advice

Once you have given some thought to your goals, interests, and priorities, there are many places to get support and advice:

  • Fellowship advisors can help you navigate the application process, campus and national deadlines, and connecting fellowships to your bigger plans.
  • Faculty or professionals in your target field can give you perspective on your academic/professional qualifications, research plans, or gaps in your knowledge.
  • The Writing Center can provide expert feedback on your fellowship essays.
  • A career advisor can help you with fellowship resumes, interview skills, and understanding how a fellowship relates to your professional goals.
  • A study abroad advisor can help you think about a study abroad component to certain awards.

Make a fellowships advising appointment today!

Make an Advising Appointment