Our Approach

The Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising is focused on the value of the reflection and personal, professional, and scholarly development that can result from thoughtful engagement with the process of applying for competitive awards. With this in mind, we work with students to articulate their goals, values, and priorities along with their personal narrative through facilitating positive mentoring relationships, organizing university endorsement, and guiding applicants. We encourage students through the reiterative process of drafting applications and, in some cases, interviewing for awards. We believe that this process can play a critical role in students' personal, intellectual, and professional growth while challenging them to be competitive at DU and far beyond.

Make an Advising Appointment

Know What to Expect

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What We Can Do

  • Advise students about eligibility rules and requirements

  • Explain application processes and cycles

  • Help students understand award "fit" and consider whether an opportunity is a good match for their goals and interests

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What We Cannot Do


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Staff Profiles

Lindsay Lawton, PhD

Founding Director, Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising

Lindsay Lawton

Lindsay Lawton joined DU in late 2022 to start the Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising. Prior to DU, she worked at Yale University as Senior Associate Director of Fellowships & Funding. Lindsay spent time in Germany teaching English and researching third language acquisition with a Fulbright grant before completing her MA and PhD at the University of Minnesota.

Meet with Lindsay




Savannah Pine, PhD 

Fellowships Advisor

Picture of Fellowships Advisor, Savannah Pine

Savannah Pine joined DU in September 2023 to grow the Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising. Savannah did her graduate study in the United Kingdom and received her Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy degrees in Medieval History from the University of Cambridge.

Meet with Savannah