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Tackling Grand Challenges: A Window into Three A Community Table Conversations

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By: Thomas Walker, Director, Inclusion & Equity Education; Lexie Graham, DU History Department alumna; Cara DiEnno, Associate Director, CCESL

Article  •

Powerful conversations have unfolded across the country through A Community Table. Here you can get a peek into three of those conversations on: 

  • Racial Justice During COVID-19 

  • Engaging Veterans 

  • Civic Participation at Different Stages of Life 

As these glimpses illustrate, A Community Table offers an impactful way to connect through intentional, meaningful conversation. 

These conversations come at a time when we urgently need to reflect and listen together. A time when we need to find ways to take action together. 

A Community Table will end soon, but you still have time to host a conversation. We hope you will bring more voices to A Community Table. 

Learn more about hosting here