Tackling Grand Challenges: Beyond Elections
“We have to keep showing up.”
A version of this message kept coming up at Tuesday’s DU Grand Challenges Forum as more than 50 participants listened to lightning talks by Dr. Apryl Alexander, Dr. May Lin, Undergraduate Student Government Senator June Churchill, and Colorado State Representative Leslie Herod.
Each of their brief lightning talks offered illuminating perspectives on working beyond elections towards collaborative action for the public good.
The students, staff, faculty, and community members in attendance turned to breakout rooms for facilitated small group conversations about aspirations and action. Those conversations previewed A Community Table: Election Edition, which runs over the month ahead.
Here are a few ways that you can keep showing up:
Watch the Beyond Elections lightning talks here.
Read excerpts from USG Senator June Churchill’s lighting talk on using privilege for social change here.
Register to host or attend A Community Table: Election Edition conversation anytime between now and December 11..
Attend our next DU Grand Challenges Forum, Community Organizing During COVID-19, on Wednesday, January 13th, at 4pm. Register here.
For Students:
Talk with other students about political identity and social change at one of DU DialogUes’ A Community Table: Election Edition conversations. Register here.
Undergrads, learn how to develop and implement social justice action plans to address issues that matter most to you. Apply to become a DU Grand Challenges Student Scholar!
Apply for an ACE grant to fund your community-engaged research or creative work. All students are eligible to apply. To be considered for funding in Winter quarter, apply by February 5.
For Faculty:
Come dialog with colleagues about how act collectively for social change at CCESL’s A Community Table: Election Edition conversation at 10am on Friday, November 20.
Attend CCESL’s Community-Engaged Teaching 101 workshop. Applications submitted by November 16 will be prioritized. Visit bit.ly/CEteaching101 to learn more.
(Re)design a course to advance the public good. Apply for a DU Grand Challenges Class Grant now.
Request funding for a CCESL Student Fellow to support your community-engaged teaching, research, and/or creative work.
Editor’s Note: Thank you to event co-sponsors: Community + Values, the Office of Inclusion & Equity Education, and the Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. And thank you to the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations for their ongoing support of DU Grand Challenges undergraduate programs.