Puksta Scholar Highlights the Effects of Gentrification at Home
By: Anna Antoniou, Associate Director of CCESL

In CCESL’s Denver Urban Issues and Policy course, 1st Year Puksta Scholar and Real Estate Major, Elizabeth Navarro, crafted a photo essay highlighting the effects of gentrification in the Colfax neighborhood. Throughout the course, students learned about some of the most critical issues facing Denver and local efforts to address those issues. Then, in their culminating project, students documented an issue important to them and possible solutions. Elizabeth chose gentrification because her family has experienced its negative effects and she wants to make sure that gentrification doesn’t “strip away piece by piece the family and rich culture of the people that made this area into their home.”
Denver Urban Issues and Policy is part of CCESL’s course sequence for undergraduates interested in social change. Through three two-credit courses, Denver Urban Issues and Policy, Community Organizing, and From Public Good Theory to Action, students develop a set of public skills and civic knowledge base that allows them to actively participate in their communities.
CCESL’s courses are open to all majors and minors and do not need to be taken in sequence. Next year, our courses will also be offered as part of the new 2nd year Social Change Living and Learning Community!
Learn more about CCESL courses