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Galvanizing Tomorrow’s Civic Leaders: A Social Justice Warrior

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This fall CCESL staff, Cara DiEnno & Katie Kleinhesselink, took our annual Community Organizing course online. While students didn’t have the typical opportunity to explore their collective self-interest and design and implement a small-scale organizing campaign together, they did learn about organizing principles and practices, explore local organizing movements, and complete multimedia reflections on how they could carry their organizing knowledge and skills moving forward to address issues about which they are passionate. 

For her end-of-quarter reflection, Marissa Alejandra Martinez Suarez (History major, Critical Race & Ethnic Studies minor) created a striking video presentation in which she thoughtfully applies organizing concepts and emergent strategy principles to the issue of bringing more representation to school curriculum. After watching the video, we are sure you’ll agree that that Marissa is, indeed, a “badass social justice warrior.” 

Click here to watch Marissa’s video.