Connecting Change-Makers: The Role of Higher Education in Movement Building
On May 24th, DU Grand Challenges hosted the final forum of this academic year, The Role of Higher Education in Movement Building. It was an incredible event featuring speakers from two different projects. Meg Sagaria-Barritt, Integration Partnerships Coordinator for the Colorado Refugee Services Program, and Amina Bouayad, Masters in Higher Education Student, have been working together through the DU Grand Challenges Migration Cohort to realize an action plan for Identities and Dialogue. Evon Lopez, Valverde Neighborhood Community Leader, and Elizabeth Walsh, DU Grand Challenges Urban Sustainability Cohort’s Program Coordinator, have been working together through a community partnership united in their commitment to undesigning redlining and reimagining mobility investments that advance community-rooted health and wealth.
Click here to watch the recording of this forum to learn more about this amazing movement building work being done by these two groups.