Summer Research Grant

What are Summer Research Grants?

The Summer Research Grants are intended to stimulate student/faculty collaborative projects. Students may request up to $5,000. This amount can include a maximum payable award of $3,500 depending on hours agreed to with your faculty mentor and up to $1,500 in research expendables. Student awards, if requested, will be paid on a monthly basis. This request must be included in your project budget. 

The project may last anywhere from 1 to 10 weeks, depending on the nature of the project. While most partnerships involve one-to-one work with a faculty member, students can work with multiple faculty members or with other students. If working with other students, each student must submit an application stating his/her personal contribution to the project and is eligible to receive up to $5,000.

All award funding must be spent by September 1st. The Summer Research Program cannot fund service-learning programs, tuition, DU courses (direct or indirect), or lessons. Graduating Seniors are not eligible to apply for a summer grant.

NEW FOR SUMMER: Students may request up to $5,000. This amount can include a maximum payable award of $3,500 depending on hours agreed to with your faculty mentor and up to $1,500 in research expendables. You can find the breakdown of your time commitment and the amount to request in your application below. Please note that research supplies are requested outside of the award amount. You can receive a maximum of $1,500.00 toward supplies. 

Award amounts depending on hours spent on the project a week: 

(5 hours per week over 10 weeks -$900)

(10 hours per week over 10 weeks -$1800)

(15 hours per week over 10 weeks - $2600)

(20 hours per week over 10 weeks- $3500) Maximum amount


PinS and Summer Research Grant Requirements 

All PinS and Summer Research Grant applicants ARE REQUIRED to review the webinar recording from The Writing Center prior to submitting a proposal. The updated recording link can be found on the Writing Center's Portfolio site where you can also find helpful resources for writing your proposal. 

Additionally, if you are approved for funding and plan to travel internationally for your research project, you are required to register your travel here: