What are your fees, and do you take insurance?
All clinics structure their fees for therapy and assessment services on a reasonable, sliding scale. This scale considers household income and the number of people living in the household. Our goal is to provide high-quality care for all at an affordable rate. Please contact your clinic of interest for more information.
We do not take any private insurance or Medicare.
Currently, the Professional Psychology Clinic takes Medicaid.
What are your clinic hours and days of operation?
Clinic appointment days and times vary by clinic but are available during the weekdays with a limited number of evening appointments. Please contact your clinic of interest for specifics on appointment availability.
Do you have a waitlist? How soon can I or my loved one be seen?
This can vary throughout the year and is dependent on demand and student clinician availability. Some clinics may have immediate openings for therapy. Most assessment services are on a 3-9 month waitlist but can suggest and offer resources while you wait.
What duration are your therapy appointments?
Most therapy appointments are 50 minutes long.
Where are your appointments held?
In person appointments with most of our clinics will be held on the University of Denver campus in southeast Denver. The major cross streets are Evans Ave. and University Blvd.
Do you offer telehealth services?
Telehealth services are offered at some of our clinics, however the clients must be in the state of Colorado during the telehealth appointment. Please contact your clinic of interest for more information.
How do I know which clinic will be the best fit for my/my family’s needs?
Please click on the homepage and follow the prompts to guide you to a clinic that you believe will be a good fit. During the intake process (phone, email or online form) the DU employee assisting you will refer you to another clinic if it seems that they are not the best fit for your level of care.
Do you have experience with clients from similar backgrounds (cultural, LGBTQ+, etc.)?
Our clinics are widely inclusive and open to people from diverse backgrounds. If you have a specific concern or would like to ensure that your clinician is trained in providing services to a specific demographic, please ask during your intake process.