Faculty Resources

A female-presenting individual smiles while sitting in front of a whiteboard and looking to their right

Why Teach Interterm

Interterm travel is a great opportunity for students and faculty alike. Interterm instructors are able to teach online, on-campus, or on-site at international locations. You'll develop your own creative curricular options and lead unique experiential courses. If you're the type of educator that loves to connect with students, interterm is an outstanding opportunity to bond with an eager group of students.

Interterm Course Policies

The Interterm Faculty Handbook has the most up-to-date information regarding current deadlines, forms, and resources for proposing a program. Faculty interested in proposing and teaching interterm courses should consult and become familiar with the handbook before proposing a course.

Interterm Course Development

Faculty who are interested in proposing a new faculty-led travel course should consult the course proposal resources and guidelines below. Additionally, faculty proposing new travel courses are required to meet with the UAP Assistant Director, Grace Warner, grace.warner@du.edu. 

Course Proposal Timelines

For faculty-led travel courses, the ideal planning time for a program is 12 months out from the term for which you are proposing. All new and continuing proposals, faculty/staff, and related compliance will be reviewed, tracked, and approved by the following and in respect to their areas of oversight:

  • Proposer's Chair/Director and Dean
  • University Academic Programs (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and UAP Assistant Director)
  • International Travel Health and Safety (intlsafety@du.edu)
  • Office of General Counsel/ University Financial Services

Please see the following table for the course proposal deadlines per program term. We are ready to begin supporting your proposal as early as possible!

Course Proposal Timeline:

 Summer Term 2026Winter Interterm 2025Spring Interterm 2026

International Travel course Travelogue submission

(International Travel Health and Safety) *

New programs or recurring with substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: Sept. 13 - Nov. 21, 2025

Recurring programs without substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: Dec. 13, 2025 - Feb. 21, 2026

New programs or recurring with substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: Feb. 21 - March 20, 2025

Recurring programs without substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: May 21 - June 20, 2025




New programs or recurring with substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: June 21 - June 29, 2025

Recurring programs without substantial changes:

Travelogue must be received by: Sept. 21 - Sept 29, 2025

Course proposal submission deadline for non- international travel courses


Feb. 1, 2026


June 1, 2025


Dec. 1, 2025

Financial Aid application opens

April 2026 through Summer at DU

(Upon course approval)

Rolling basis

(Upon course approval)

Rolling basis

(Upon course approval)

Day 1June 13, 2026Nov. 21, 2025March 21, 2026

*International travel courses require additional planning, which necessitates starting the process 9 or 6 months in advance. *Dates are examples based off the academic calendar. Actual due dates will vary depending on program departure date.

*Examples of substantial changes are new destination(s), added "risky/adventurous" activities, primary vendors etc.

^Summer start dates may vary based on instructor preference.

A group of students and a professor smile and pose for the camera in a Scotland train station

Faculty-Led Travel Courses

The information provided in this section is intended for faculty who, with the support of their department and college/school, would seek the assistance of UAP in the development and administration of a faculty-led travel course.

Internationalization Grants and Application

Limited funding may be available to instructors interested in developing new travel courses who need the funds to finalize plans and content. Funding will be permitted based on DU's Travel Expense Policies. For more information on Internationalization Grants please visit their site

Course Proposal Checklist

Faculty interested in teaching a faculty-led travel course are responsible for following formalized policies and procedures. In addition to the timeline(s) above, faculty should consult the checklist to ensure they are completing all necessary action items and steps.


Submit a Course Proposal

Faculty ready to propose an interterm course should submit the following materials for each term they plan to teach to ensure UAP staff have updated 1) course information 2) syllabi 3) budget information (if applicable):

  • Interterm Course Proposal Form
    • Faculty should use this form to propose courses for the following:
      • Winter Interterm and Spring Interterm: all course formats (on-campus, online/distance, and travel courses)
      • Summer term: short-term travel courses only (faculty interested in teaching on-campus and online courses in the summer term should contact their departments directly).
    • Note: It is recommended that you review the Course Proposal Form questions in the above Interterm Faculty Handbook (appendix A) BEFORE opening this form to ensure the form does not time out.
  • Course Budget (travel courses only).
    • Note: faculty will submit the budget within the Interterm Course Proposal Form. We recommend that you complete this before starting the above course proposal form.


Risk Process