Gaming De-Coded
How can we work together to turn game theory into innovation?
Games play an important role in how we live, work, and communicate with implications for the public good. This LLC invites students to develop their creativity and entrepreneurship skills to develop ideas to meet the challenges and opportunities in the rapidly-evolving field of gaming.
Students who participate in the Gaming De-Coded will:
Live together with up to 22 similarly interested students and have access to specially crafted events to learn and build community including retreats, speakers, dinners, and student-led events.
Learn together by enrolling one 2-credit seminar for the Fall, Winter, and Springs quarters.
Build community together while receiving support from an LLC staff program coordinator who provides day to day and quarter to quarter co-curricular programming and support including retreats, dinners, speakers, and active learning excursions.
Learn from and work with a faculty member who is the Faculty Mentor for this LLC.