Poster Printing


The Writing Program can offer poster printing to DU students, faculty, and staff under certain circumstances and for a nominal fee.

Please note we are not a print shop, but a program offering to share its resources. It generally takes at least 20 minutes to print each poster, and we have no dedicated staff doing this work; poster printing happens in the margins of staff time.

We print posters for research or academic projects to be presented at conferences or symposia. 

We print posters for research or academic projects required for a specific class through arrangement made with the instructor. 

For any questions, email

Writing Program Poster Printing Request Form

Fill out the form here!

Pricing Information and Timelines

Correctly formatted posters submitted 2+ business days in advance: $20 cash.  (We are unable to take any other form of payment.)

Correctly formatted posters submitted 4+ business days in advance: $15 cash. (We are unable to take any other form of payment.)

Correctly formatted posters submitted 9+ days in advance: $10 cash.  (We are unable to take any other form of payment.)

The Writing Center is CLOSED on Saturdays.  Please take this into account.

View poster resources

Specifications and Requirements

To be accepted for printing, your file must meet the following specifications:

-File must be in .jpg form

-File title must include your first and last name

-Poster size must can be no greater than 44" on either side; this is the maximum width our printer can manage. Most research posters are 42" x 36". Posters that are smaller than this may require trimming.

-If possible, photo resolution should be set to at least 300 DPI/ pixels per inch. If you have embedded images or graphics, you will require a higher resolution by adjusting the image in photo editing software such as Photoshop.

Poster Design Workshops

The Writing Program offers numerous workshops throughout the year open to students who need to create research posters. These workshops are generally organized by the Writing Program and are open to all interested students, space permitting. Students who complete one of those workshops are eligible to have one poster printed at a deep discount.

We are occasionally able to offer poster design workshops to specific classes. If you are a faculty member who would like to discuss options, or if you have questions about our policies, please contact

Other On-Campus Printing Options

If you need a poster printed last minute or our office is unable to accommodate you, the DU Quick Copy Center offers poster printing with a 24-hour turnaround and competitive pricing. They're also able to print glossy posters. Contact them at; they're located inside the DU bookstore in Driscoll.